Thursday, November 13, 2008

James Bond -Quantum of Solace - Free tech download

Even the bond movies cant give you the 007 sense till the time high end graphical technology is not used in the movie.. So today i will be updating you with the blue screen technology.

When you see James bond droving a ship into the landspace or when you see James bond diving from a height of 10,000 ft do not be surprised. Even you can be Daring Bond sitting at home. Blue screen technology is used to capture a picture and than the second picture is Super Imposed on the first picture inturn replacing the pixels of the first one by the second one. Replacing the pixels of the first picture by the second picture which has James Bond with the same surround effects which are contained in the first picture.Now after mixing both the pictures you will get a new picture which will have surrond effect of the first picture and image of Bond from the second picture. Doing so you will see James Bond diving from the height of 10,000ft from a helicopter. You can also superimpose your picture on a still picture of a helicopter at a height of 10,000 or 20,000ft , this will replace the pixels of the first picture by the pixels in which you are focussed in the second photogrph making you super hero like James Bond in Quantum of Solace. Do you want to be new Bond of the century 008. Try to mix your pictures on Blue Screen Technology. You can do it with help of a software named MediaLooks Video Mixer Below is the screenshot of the software. You can download it for free from

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